September 6th, 2018
Can you believe it's already September? At Dibble Family Dentistry, we know that gingivitis, the early stage of periodontal disease, can be difficult to recognize. Many people don’t recognize the warning signs, bleeding and swollen gums, as a precursor to gum disease. This month, a national campaign is under way to raise awareness about gum…
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August 30th, 2018
Have you ever noticed your attention being instantly drawn to peoples’ teeth when they smile at you? Some people have dull and yellowing teeth, while others have teeth that appear bright white. Everyone’s teeth naturally dull over time because of aging and the contact your teeth have with staining foods, such as chocolate and coffee.…
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August 23rd, 2018
A dental filling replaces and restores the health of a tooth that has been damaged. Often, the need for a filling results from a cavity due to a large amount of decay in a tooth. Teeth may also require repairs after cracking from chewing on hard objects, trauma to the mouth, grinding or clenching of…
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August 16th, 2018
YES! X-rays have been used in dentistry for a long time, and the amount of radiation has significantly decreased with advances in technology. While there is risk in every health diagnostic procedure at Dibble Family Dentistry, the benefits must outweigh the risks. Dental X-rays do indeed fall into this category. X-rays are exposed to a…
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